Regional development as continuous and controlled process requires well-organized institutional framework. Regional development agencies have been established due to creation of institutional prerequisites for sustainable regional development on the territory of entire Serbia.
Members of the Association were the key drivers of development processes on the territories within their scope of work, through partnerships with public and private sectors.
Introduction and distribution of consultancy services to SMEs sector created the preconditions for the development of entrepreneurship. By management of development projects, agencies included its' territories in the international donor initiatives and national programs for entrepreneurship development and balanced regional development.
The core of regional development consists of the effective establishment of inter-sectoral cooperation and considering social - economic development as a complete and fully integrated process, regional development agencies successfully connect stakeholders from multiple sectors.
One of the pillars of regional development is municipal cooperation that includes networking of local governments as key drivers of local economic development, in partnership based on strategically identified needs and interests. Coordination of these strategic processes is conducted by regional development agencies.
The strength of the Association is in the fact that it, through its members within the network, meet many key stakeholders on the local, regional and national level, that members through the network of employees are able to deliver most of the services that contribute to the economic development, taking responsibility for planning and management of development processes on their territories. By filling the institutional gap at the regional level, agencies are becoming an important factor of integration between national, local and donor institutions.
Flexible in their work, agencies adapted to the dynamic requirements of the environment and thus became bearers of development processes and key partners to the international donor institutions. Experience in the work with SME sector and public administrations on removing obstacles to economic development, promotes them as reliable partners for all future development initiatives.